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Bentley Systems

The Infrastructure Engineering Software Solutions


Načrtovanje objektov

Načrtovanje objektov


Načrtovanje objektov

Programska oprema, ki omogoča 3D načrtovanje, modeliranje, analizo in izdelavo dokumentacije, ki arhitektom, inženirjem in projektantom pomaga povezovati podatke, ljudi, delovne tokove in ideje, ki so potrebne za podporo današnjim kompleksnim infrastrukturam projektov.

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Programska oprema za načrtovanje jeklenih konstrukcij in proizvodnjo

ProSteel je programska oprema za načrtovanje jeklenih konstrukcij in izdelavo jekla, ki vam pomaga učinkovito in natančno izdelati modele ter dokumentacijo za jeklene konstrukcije. Samozavestno si lahko zagotovite intuitiven sistem 3D modeliranja, ki je popolnoma primeren za načrtovanje zapletenih jeklenih konstrukcij in ekstrahiranje inženirskih, proizvodnih in montažnih risb s samodejnimi posodobitvami. Preprosto modelirajte konstrukcijske jeklene elemente, kot so nosilci, stebri in povezja, na podlagi jeklenih tabel, specifičnih za državo, ali uporabniško definiranih oblik. Dokončajte svojo jekleno zasnovo z modeliranjem jeklenih spojev, standardnih ali po meri, in samodejno prilagodite na podlagi povezovalnih elementov. Poleg tega vam ProSteel omogoča modeliranje celovitih jeklenih plošč, vključno z vijaki ipd.

Preprosto delite svoj konstrukcijski model, načrte in informacije za pregled s celotno ekipo. Geometrijo modela in rezultate načrtovanja lahko prenesete iz ene aplikacije v drugo in sinhronizirate spremembe v času ter hitro delite strukturni model, risbe in informacije s celotno ekipo. za pregled. Če vaša ekipa deluje globalno, ProSteel podpira tudi mednarodne standarde.

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Create and modify structural steel objects accurately

ProSteel provides you with an array of easy-to-master capabilities to create and modify structural steel objects. Parametric connections and behaviors allow more complicated steel assemblies to be developed quickly and accurately. The template and style features enhance your productivity while you share and maintain standards. The large selection of modification features allow you to manage and maintain changes to elements while the provided view and classification capabilities allow you to change the way the model is displayed. Another powerful part of ProSteel is a mature API/SDK allowing you to write your own custom applications, which can range from simple to very complex based on your specific needs.

Increase efficiency and minimize errors in your steel design

A variety of 2D documents can be automatically generated from the 3D model. This increases efficiency and minimizes errors through a streamlined process to generate such documents. All drawings and bills of material are directly linked to the 3D model to maintain their fidelity and accuracy. Documents are created through integrated user-customizable rules, such as the powerful form generator for bills of material and the detail style wizard for all types of 2D drawing. Data duplication is eliminated by being able to share structural data across the entire project team by integrating seamlessly with other facets of the engineering design chain. This helps project teams streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and maximize productivity. You can easily exchange the structural model with the structural analysis and design software application and share accurate and up-to-date 3D structural models with the entire project team. ProSteel integrates with other Bentley products, as well as the most common third-party structural products.

Develop steel designs using international standards

Extend the reach of your business practice and take advantage of global design opportunities by using a wide range of international standards and specifications in our design products. Use a vast array of international section profile databases, which are included at no extra charge, and take advantage of global design opportunities around the world.

Bentley, inženirska programska oprema

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