3Muri Modules: In addition to the main software 3Muri, that is dedicated to the global analysis of the structure, there are the following optional 3Muri Modules available. You can buy only the necessary ones, optimizing costs. You can always integrate the 3Muri software with the modules you need. There are several 3Muri Modules; Local Mechanisms (LM), Sensitivity, IFC – BIM, Multithreading, OPEN and the Local Verification modules Suite.
Local mechanisms (LM) Module
When the box-like behavior is not sure due to a lack of connections between floors and walls, verification of local mechanisms (the control of the possible separation of walls out of their floor) is necessary. You can use the 3Muri Module Local Mechanisms to verify this, starting from the model used for the global verification. Integrated the model with geometric data, loads and constraints, you can perform the local verifications, just specifying the local area.
Read more about Local Mechanisms module here.
Sensitivity Module
The Sensitivity analysis is a calculation method useful to obtain a better understanding of the structural functioning and accurate planning of the site investigation plan. As known, doubts during modeling directly affect the evaluation of seismic safety. The sensitivity analysis methodology includes the identification of parameters groups that express the uncertainty degree, through the execution of multiple different non-linear analysis it identifies a level of sensitivity for each parameter in order to furnish a weight in terms of importance. The result is the acquisition of a better knowledge of the structure’s characteristics and the single elements contribution to the global functioning.
Read more about Sensitivity module here.
Multithreading Module
Multithreading 3Muri Module allows to speed up the calculation by selecting the calculation method and using the multiprocessor. Two different solver parameters are now available: the selection of the calculation method by dense matrices and or sparse matrices and the use of multiprocessor. 3Muri software performs the calculation using the FEM method (finite element method), that needs to know the stiffness matrix K. Performing operations using the sparse matrix algorithms, that can be easily compressed, makes the calculations faster with a less memory use. With the use of the multiprocessor you can perform each different analysis on a different PC processor, saving time.
Read more about Multithreading module here.
IFC – BIM Module
3Muri Project allows interoperability with BIM technology through the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format, whose specifications are based on a neutral data format specifically designed to describe, exchange and share design information.
Once the creation of the model is finished, the “export IFC” command in the file menu allows the creation of the file in IFC format. This file contains the structural objects defined with the IFC standard in order to be visible with a reader or BIM CAD.
Importing from IFC models is possible thanks to the BIM INSIDE application, included in the module, which allows to directly read IFC files and automatically execute horizontal sections, producing planes in DXF format.
The BIM INSIDE application is a CAD system that makes interoperability its strong point. Interoperability means the ability to cooperate and exchange information or services with other products with optimization of resources.
The exchange of information takes place through different graphic formats: IFC, DGN (Bentley), DXF, SKP (File Sketchup), EMF, WMF, BMP, GIF, JPG / JPEG, TIF, DWG. BIM INSIDE has three specific functions for managing IFC files.
The ones of IFC (Industry Foundation) class are based on a neutral data format designed specifically to describe, exchange and share information typically used in the construction industry.
Read more about IFC -BIM module here.
OPEN Module
A new approach to the calculation of Local Mechanisms is introduced in the software: the kinematic analysis with “out of plane” behavior now works along with “in plane” verification approaches. Furthermore, the non-linear calculation process is added to the linear kinematic analyses.
And in order to be able to analyze structures that do not have a “box-like” behavior, 3Muri Project becomes “OPEN” and the modeling by horizontal planes is now joined by the modeling by vertical planes, which allows the user to input irregular geometries in elevation.
For buildings like Churches, towers etc which do not have horizontal bearing structural elements, modeling tool without geometric limits is needed, this will be possible through a new input method that will be added to the one already present. In addition to the modeling for horizontal planes made up of levels, there is also a modeling for vertical planes which allows you to enter irregular geometries in elevation with curved portions. Obviously, the portions that meet the boxarity requirements can be calculated by pushover, while the excluded parts can be evaluated by kinematic analyses.
Read more about OPEN module here.
Local Verifications Suite
The 3Muri Project Local Verification Suite contains a series of modules dedicated to the design of structural elements subject to local interventions. There are 7 modules which can be bought separately or altogehter in a Suite.
The 3Muri Project Local Verifications Suite allows the design and verification of structures made of masonry, reinforced concrete, steel and wood subject to local interventions as required by the Eurocode. It is perfect for solving small complexities, such as the design of structural local interventions.
The software allows the creation of a three-dimensional model with only the elements involved in the interventions. It then performs the calculation of the static loads transmitted between the parts and, finally, the calculation of structural elements (walls, beams, pillars, floors, etc.). Furthermore, it is possible to directly calculate the individual elements, without modelling them, simply by entering the required data and immediately verifying the results.
Read more about 3Muri Local Verification Suite here.
Masonry Local verification Module
The objective of this analysis is to allow a pushover analysis by considering the structure, no longer in its entirety, but in its individual walls, with the possibility of analyzing one or more walls together. For each selected wall, the software proposes four different analyzes according to the
direction of the earthquake and distribution of the seismic forces. In the calculation of single walls, the choice of the control node is less important than the global verification as it is not influenced by the deformation in the plane; for this reason, for the verification of a single wall, the program “suggests” a node in order to facilitate the insertion of the calculation parameters.
3Muri allows the verification of masonry walls for the different types of analyzes listed bellow :
- Pushover analysis on walls
- Static analysis on single walls
- Local mechanisms
- Geotechnical
- Masonry columns
Masonry openings Module
Dedicated entirely to openings on masonry walls, the module allows inserting and verifying, to bending and deformation, masonry and steel lintels in both reinforced concrete and steel.
- Steel lintels
- Masonry lintels
RC Local verifications
This module is dedicated to the isolated elements in reinforced concrete (beams and pillars in reinforced concrete), the sectional verification, the assessment of materials and to the verification on fire conditions.
- Beams
- Columns
- Footings
- C. section verification
- C. structural reinforcements
- Wood, steel and R.C. beams
- Fire
- Geotechnical,
Floors Module
The Floors module allows the verification of the following horizontal structures:
- Floor of steel beams and vaults
- Concrete brick floor
- Corrugated sheet with concrete slab
- Dowel bars
The Steel beams and vaults module performs the verification of floors made with steel profiles type IPE and HE and vaults. The contribution to the strength of any concrete layer is not taken into account in the calculation. The calculation of the strength and deformation of the steel beam is carried out as indicated in the Ministerial Decree 17-01-2018 and Eurocode.
Local verifications on steel Module
The new verification feature of steel elements allows to automatically extract, from the global model, the stresses acting in their sections of the element and to carry out their static verification.
- Steel Beams
- Steel Columns
The Steel Column module allows the verification and / or design of new or existing steel columns, with the possibility to choose between different calculation methods and parameters. The environment dedicated to setting the parameters for the column presents the possibility to define the column’s section, constraints, materials, and height, and to enter the loads applied.
The Steel Beam module allows the verification and / or design of new or existing steel beams, with the possibility to choose between different calculation methods and parameters. The environment dedicated to setting the parameters for the beam presents the possibility to define the beam’s section, constraints, materials, and span.
Retrofitting Module
The retrofitting of the existing structures is a theme of increasingly felt importance for which, from a professional point of view, the search for effective and competitive solutions becomes increasingly important. In this regard, the new “Retrofitting Map” module provides a library of retrofitting, which can be customized, applicable to one or more elements present within the model.
Within this library there is a detailed description of the retrofitting accompanied by a series of commercial solutions on the market. Thanks to the interaction between the “structure” and “Retrofitting” environments, it is possible to assign, already in the modelling phase, a series of retrofitting associated with one or more objects (insertion of reinforcements, chains, curbs etc …).
The relationship between the chosen intervention and the associated elements means that information such as points of application, areas on which the intervention will be carried out, volumes or other quantities can be automatically associated with the intervention.
At the end of the process of assigning the various retrofitting, it will be possible to consult the list of retrofitting applied to the related elements, automatically obtain, and export a metric calculation of the retrofitting and finally export the related descriptive documentation.
ARCH Module
As regards the method of calculating the pressure curve, we moved from a purely elastic approach to one based on the more realistic “no-tension material” approach for materials such as masonry. As regards the input method, it has been totally renewed to make the product more ergonomic. Also the reading of the results has been made simpler and easier to compare between the countless calculation methods.
The Arch module allows limit analysis with a static and kinematic approach for arched structures of generic shape, and also fiber-reinforced with FRP / FRCM, pursuant to Circular no. 7 of 21 January 2019, of the LLPP Guidelines of 29 May 2019, of the CNR-DT 200 R1 / 2013 and of the CNR-DT 215/2018. The calculation using the kinematic approach can be performed in the presence or absence of seismic forces. The general approach of the static method is the tracing of a funicular, which if it falls within the edges of the arch indicates its safety status. The general principle underlying the kinematic analysis is that the structure is supposed to be three times hyperstatic and that, therefore, the collapse occurs when four degrees of freedom are added (with consequent transformation of the structure into a kinematism).
The module contains:
- Calculation of the pressure curve (non-reinforced arches)
- Checks of the structure following the static analysis
- Calculation of the kinematic chain under static loads (non-reinforced and reinforced arches)
- Calculation of the kinematic chain under seismic loads (non-reinforced and reinforced arches)
- Non-linear calculation of the kinematic chain (evolution of the collapse mechanism)
- Checks of the structure following the kinematic analysis
3Muri Modules – How to get them?
3Muri Modules come in packages. There are several 3Muri packages that we offer, some are for starting users some are for expert users. 3Muri Modules can be bought also separately. Please contact us if you would like to test a particular 3Muri module.